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Extend your sawmill

How to extend your sawmill
With our various extensions and ready-made extension kits, you can easily extend your sawmill and directly increase the sawing length according to your needs.
Extend your chainsaw mill
The extension kits are built in the same way as the sawmill and give you the same precision and possibilities as the basic version. By combining the extension packs, you can increase the saw length as needed. It’s a solid system that allows you to cut longer timber.
If you have a sawmill that is 5 meters or longer, we recommend 3 log lifts to ensure that the log is well supported. Another reason to have 3 log lifters is that two of them can be mounted closer together, making it easier to cut shorter pieces such as fruit trees and the like. Precision will also be slightly better.
For those with a 4 meter long sawmill, we recommend extending either only the saw beam up to 5m, or up to 8 meters with an extra log lift.
An exception to this is if you extend with 2×0.5 meter extension, then you do not need an extra log lift. Extending with half-meter pieces is more convenient for those who are sawing single logs of 5 meters, for example, as they are easy to remove when not in use.
Extending chain sawmill with remote feeding unit.
If you have a remote feeding unit that is fed with a chain – remember to order the extension for the chain as well.
Extend your bandsaw mill
The band sawmills are extended in pieces that are just over 1 meter long. An additional log shelf and support feet are also included.
When extending bandsaws, especially if you use two extensions, we recommend that you buy extra log clamps with mounting brackets and log supports to clamp different lengths of logs.
If you have the Stable support legs or the Trailer kit, you should also buy extra Anti-tip plates. If you extend your sawmill to over 6m (two extensions), you may also need an extra pair of Stable Support Legs or support legs for trailer kits.
Extension of band sawmill with remote feeding unit.
For all bandsaw mills feeding units, the chains have to be extended and, in some cases, also the cables.
With remote feeding, a maximum of 2 extensions apply because the chain cannot be properly tightened when it becomes longer.
Extend your Timberjig with Guide Rail Extensions.
The Timberjig is extended in the same way as the larger chain sawmills.
If you are extending the beam longer than 3 m, we recommend that you buy one beam support per 2m extension. (9999-000-1026).
Extend your Big Mill Wide Slabber
The Big Mill is extended in the same way as other chain sawmills except that it has double guide rails.
For 3 meters, no extra support is usually needed. From 4 meters and up, we recommend one support for every two meters, i.e., 4 meters 1 support, 6 meters 2 supports, etc.
Extra vertical bars (4920-001-0016) make it possible to take even deeper cuts and saw really thick slabs with the Big Mill. In this case, you should use ordinary felling wedges to avoid pinching the sword when sawing. Saw into the log and then insert wedges into the cut.
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