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Simple Lumber Estimator
Estimate your lumber yield and profit with ease.
Curious about how much you can save by producing your own lumber? Our calculator helps you easily see the cost benefits of having your own sawmill. Enter how much you’ll be sawing and the estimated value of the timber, and discover how much cheaper it is to saw it yourself.
Below you will find a calculator where you can easily fill in your own values.
Calculate how many cubic meters of timber you have:
Total volume of all logs:
Volume per log:
This is how it works!
Get the volume in cubic meters
Enter the length and minimum diameter of the log to calculate the volume in cubic meters.
Enter cost of timber per cubic meter
Enter the cost of timber per cubic meter. This can correspond to what you pay for purchased timber or what you get from selling your own.
Enter your estimated return
Estimate how much of the log volume can become sawn material. Usually, this is 50-60%, but can vary depending on the shape and dimensions of the log. Note that the calculation does not take into account whether certain dimensions cannot be sawn from smaller logs.
Choose which dimensions to saw from the list
Select from a list of common dimensions to convert cubic meters to linear meters based on the dimensions.
Enter the price of the sawn material
Enter the expected selling price per linear meter for the sawn material. If you are unsure, use prices from your local lumber yard as a comparison.
See the result
This calculation compares the costs with the profit of sawing yourself, and you can easily get an estimate of your project’s profitability!
Try it out and see how much you can earn by sawing yourself!
A long-term investment that pays off quickly!
Have you considered the value of sawing your own wood? So have we! Investing in a sawmill is both profitable and fun.
Sawing yourself not only gives you the freedom to produce unique dimensions you won’t find in the local builders’ merchant – it’s also a smart financial investment! With our sawmills, you can produce high-quality planks and boards for your own projects or for sale.
In fact, you don’t have to saw much until you’ve recouped your investment, and then you’re making a profit. In addition, our sawmills have a high resale value, and there is always a high demand for used sawmills should you decide to sell one day.
Owning a sawmill is a wise long-term investment. We often talk to customers who quickly pay for their sawmills when they saw for projects or make money by processing and selling their timber. Compared to many other investments in the same price range, having your own sawmill is a valuable asset in many ways! It’s also a lot of fun to saw your own building material!
Feeling inspired? Start exploring the possibilities of saving money and taking full control of your timber production – with your own sawmill, the possibilities are endless!
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