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Logosol Values

Standing in the sun, feeling the scent of sawdust, and board by board building something lasting – that makes you proud and happy. We know! Many of our customers compare working with our products with a round of golf or a fishing trip. That’s a fine commendation!
At Logosol, we also think that building with wood is great fun! We love meeting other “Logosolers” to exchange experiences and brag a little. We are always happy when you call us or contact us in any other way.

As a “Logosoler”, you are part of our global group of friends. This is a large group of people that share their projects and experiences. Welcome to our social media and for even more inspiration.
There are many customers that are sawing together with friends and partners, or teaching next generation of “Logosolers” at the sawmill.
At Logosol, we are there for you. We will treat you fair and honestly.

We have extensive warranties, purchase on approval and are committed to making you satisfied. We want you to have fun with our products.
Our machines are easy and safe to use. You are one of many “Logosolers” around the world, and we have very satisfied customers.
The only thing our customers regret, is that they didn’t buy earlier!

Surely, everyone knows that money grows on trees. For a small investment, you can start sawing and/or planing your own timber. No matter if you are sawing for your own consumption or are running a business, it will soon become a profitable investment. You can offer your customers, or yourself, the opportunity to process all kinds of wood into the desired dimensions.
It is profitable to be one of our customers. The profit can be in the form of money, time, flexibility, pride, health or just the opportunity to have great fun.
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