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Živjo! Smo uradni prodajalci Logosola v Sloveniji in na Hrvaškem!
Prochrom-comp d.o.o.
Od leta 2015 se naša ekipa v Lescah, posveča prodaji, svetovanju in servisu Logosolovih lesnoobdelovalnih strojev. Specializirani smo za svetovanje novim ali obstoječim strankam, ki iščejo rešitve za lesno obdelavo, bodisi tračno žago, verižno žago ali skobeljne stroje.
Od 2015. godine, naš tim u Lescama posvećen je prodaji, savjetovanju i servisu Logosolovih obradnih strojeva. Specijalizirani smo za pružanje savjeta novim ili postojećim klijentima koji traže rješenja za obradu drva, bilo da se radi o tračnoj pili, lančanoj pili ili blanjalici.
Chain Sawmills
Robust and easy to use
The Logosol chain sawmills cut with impressive precision and suits both beginners and more experienced sawyers. You get started quickly and get good results immediately. The chain sawmills are easy to use. On the very first day, you can produce a good-sized stack of planks and boards!
Band Sawmills
Sturdy, stable, and with a stylish design
When you require high capacity and professional performance. Our sturdy band sawmills have impressive precision. Well thought-out functions give a stable structure that allows a smooth operation when producing your own timber.
Guaranteed profitability from day one
In every board valuable mouldings and panels are hidden. With Logosol’s planer/moulders you produce professional building materials, for your own renovations or to order.When you require high capacity and professional performance. Our sturdy band sawmills have impressive precision. Well thought-out functions give a stable structure that allows a smooth operation when producing your own timber.
Customers Stories
My planer has paid for itself twice over!
The Bräck family has numerous projects on the go at the same time, but when everyone helps out, it’s both faster and more fun!
Just outside Gnesta in a large red building located on top of a hill, we meet Peter and Anna-Lena Bräck.
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