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Logosol delivers German perfection
German quality is a concept renown all over the world. It also includes Logosol’s products, due to Logosol GmbH in Bad Saulgau in southern Germany.
“Our customers demand perfection, and today Logosol can deliver this,” says the owner Henrik Sigurdson.
Henrik Sigurdson is from Sweden, and was employed by Logosol in 1999 to work in the then subsidiary company in Germany. Two years later, he bought the company and became its CEO, or Geschäftsführer as it is called in German.
“Since then, we have increased the turnover with ten percent every year. Last year, we sold for almost 1.7 million Euro,” he says.
But at the start it was a tough journey. Forest and wood have a long-standing tradition in both southern Germany and in Sweden. But the similarities end there. The German demands are both different and tougher.
You have to know your local market to be successful, Henrik Sigurdson states.
High quality
According to local custom, the one who has built a house, planted a tree and had a child is a real "Schwabe", which is what the South-Germans call themselves. Henrik has done all this, and he has also understood and begun appreciating the Germans’ constant pursuit of perfection.
Ten years ago, Logosol did not live up to the high quality demands of the Germans. A missing washer or a bolt of another size than is said in the manual, is enough to make the German customers hit the ceiling.
“Today, Logosol’s products are at a German quality level. We very seldom get complaints, on the contrary, we get positive reactions from satisfied customers,” says Henrik Sigurdson, who thinks that the demands of Germany have improved Logosol’s quality across the board.
Put the focus on your customers
Today, Logosol GmbH is an established business. What is his most important advice to those thinking of starting to sell Logosol products?
“Know your market and put the focus on your customers,” Henrik Sigurdson answers.
According to him, Logosol is today an exemplary supplier, which offers its distributors considerably more support than is customary.
“Logosol has a well thought-out and working concept. Everything is there, marketing, catalog, manuals, pictures, films, website, and even an advanced web store that is already available in several different languages,” Henrik explains.
For such a big organization the ways of decision are short. You can just call or e-mail the responsible one in Sweden to get answers to your questions. Good support is crucial, especially at the initial stage, and Logosol really gives you that.
Cohesion in the group
The team spirit in the group is also exceptionally good. Logosol regularly arranges meetings in Härnösand, Sweden, for the whole global organization. At these World Meetings contacts are not only established with Logosol, but also between the distributors.
“There is a Logosol spirit that makes you support each other. Other distributors are welcome to contact us. We are happy to share our experiences,” Henrik Sigurdsson at Logosol GmbH concludes.
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