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Welcome to the Logosol Guide section! To make your journey with our products and services easier, we constantly strive to provide useful information and answer frequently asked questions quickly. This guide page is a living resource that grows with our customers’ feedback and our new discoveries. The aim of our guides is to give you quick and clear answers to the most common questions we receive. We encourage you to contact us with any further questions or suggestions. Together we can make your Logosol experience even better!
Will my chainsaw fit?
Can I use my old chainsaw on a LOGOSOL chain sawmill?
At Logosol chainsaw mills, you can often use your own chainsaw and get an excellent result.
What is important is the following:
- That it is powerful enough, at least 4.5hp.
- That it has two removable sword nuts.
For best results, you should also use a splitting chain, i.e. a chain with a cutting angle adapted for splitting. For more common splitting, we recommend Stihl’s picco chains. To use these chains, your chainsaw needs a 3/8″ ring drive or a 3/8″ picco bar drive. You can find all the cutting equipment you need here on the Logosol website.
Tip: If you have a chainsaw with fixed swivel nuts, you can often buy a cover with removable ones where you bought the chainsaw. The chainsaws we sell are always suitable for your sawmill and come with this type of housing
Determine the model of your chainsaw mill
Since its inception in 1989, we have sold tens of thousands of chainsaw mills worldwide. Chainsaw mills have evolved and we have come out with several different models over the years. Here is a guide on how to determine which model you have in your sawmill. This is useful to know when you buy accessories or spare parts and if you want to resell your sawmill.
Sawmills retain a high value! Why not sell and buy new?
Many people still saw one of the early models of chainsaw mills. Many people choose to upgrade to a newer model or perhaps a Logosol bandsawmill. It is then common for the old sawmill to be sold on. The sawmills have a high resale value and are usually sold quickly on Blocket or similar sites. Perfect for those who want to upgrade with a new Logosol sawmill!
Which spare parts fit?
The saw beam has had the same profile throughout the years, so the saw units, timber cutters, and saw sleds we sell today fit on the beam profile itself. However, the sled on the electric saws is wider today, which means that they do not fit on the M1-M6 of the Solo saw. However, we have the most worn parts available from model M5 onwards. The current log support fits the M7 model and newer saw benches. Accessories for the earliest sawmills have been discontinued.
Here is a guide to determine which model you have in your sawmill:
M1 The sawmill is 3.5 meters long.
Date of purchase: – 1989-05-20
M2 Sprint 5 mm, perforated plate with 5 holes
Date of purchase: 1989-05-21 to 1991-05-16
M3 Sprint 6 mm, perforated plate with 5 holes per row
Date of purchase: 1991-05-17 to 1992-04-21
M4 Sprint 6 mm, perforated plate with 4 holes per row
Date of purchase: 1992-04-22 to 1995-11-19
M5 Sprint 8 mm, perforated plate with 4 holes per row
Purchase date: 1995-11-20 to spring 2019
M6 Quick lift with latch. Cane shelf 40 cm.
Date of purchase: 1996-09-30 to 2000-09-30
M7 Light brown color. Plate angle between vertical and horizontal beam. 5.5 meters long. Automatic clinic system. Cane shelf 50 cm. Space for a log outside the log shelf.
Purchase date: 2000-10-01 to fall 2011
Wood Workers Mill 2.75 m long. Automatic tile system Floor shelf 50 cm
Purchase dates: 2003 to 2014
M8 Dark brown color. It is a more compact design with a shorter horizontal beam that is as long as the log shelf. There is no place for a log outside the log shelf.
Purchase dates: Autumn 2011 to Spring 2019
Farmers Mill /F1 Stag under saw beam in steel plate. Sawing beam in 1m sections.
Purchase dates: Spring 2014 to Autumn 2017
Chain sawmill F2 Orange steel details. Sawing beam in 1m sections. 90° angle outer knee. The vertical beam is in one piece.
Purchase date: Autumn 2017 (on sale today)
Chainsaw mill F2 + Orange steel parts. Sawing beam in 1m sections. The inclined angle of the outer knee. The vertical beam is split.
Purchase date: Spring 2019 (on sale today)
We reserve the right that the dates are not exact, but they gives an indication of when we sold the
Hur mycket underhåll krävs för att hålla maskinen i gott skick?
Aluminiumdetaljer är extremt motståndskraftiga mot väder och vind och behöver bara hållas rena för att behålla sin funktion. Detaljer av pulverlackat eller förzinkat stål är mer känsliga för rostangrepp över tid och bör skyddas mot till exempel vägsalt och havsvindar. Vi rekommenderar att du tvättar och smörjer hela maskinen minst en gång per år.
Super-flow spray
på alla rörliga delar som du vill ska gå lätt.Universalolja
på övriga oskyddade ståldetaljer som sågblad och skärande verktyg.Silikonspray
på alla lackade ytor för att täta små mikrosprickor och små skador. På ett bandsågverk kan det gå åt nästan en hel sprayburk per år, men det är en relativt liten kostnad för att hålla sågverket snyggt i decennier.Vad är den totala kostnaden?
Logosols maskiner kräver väldigt lite underhåll utöver rengöring och smörjning. De är konstruerade för att vara underhållsfria i 10 år för de allra flesta användare. Om maskinen används professionellt och dagligen finns delar som helt normalt kan behöva bytas efter ett antal år, till exmepel lager eller drivremmar. Inga reservdelar är speciellt dyra eller svåra att byta ut.
Determine your model of Speed Saw

Model 1
- Black chassis
- Saw blade 152 mm wide
- Chain with 88 DL

Speed Saw Modell 1:
This saw requires a conversion kit (art. no. 6608-001-9999), in which case the cutting equipment will fit model 2.

Modell 2
- Black chassis
- Saw blade 133 mm wide
- Chain with 88 DL

Speed Saw Modell 2:
Sword Speed Saw 50 cm Standard 3010-020-1050 (recommended length for Speed Saw)
Chain 88 dl 3614-000-0088
Sword Speed Saw 70 cm Standard 3010-020-1070
Chain 108 dl 3614-000-0108

Modell 3
- White chassis
- Saw blade 133mm wide
- Chain with 84 DL

Bar Saw Modell 3:
Sword Speed Saw 50 cm Standard 3010-010-3050 (recommended length for Speed Saw)
Chain 84 dl 3614-000-0084
Sword Speed Saw 70 cm Standard 3010-010-3070
Chain 104 dl 3614-000-0104
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